Here is a list of books and videos in the club library that can be checked out by members.
Armed & Female, Paxton Quigley
Competitive Shooting, A.A. Yur' Yev
Gun Proof Your Children/Handgun Primer, Massad Ayoob
Hit The White Part, Massad Ayoob
In The Gravest Extremem, Massad Ayoob
The Truth About Self Protection, Massad Ayoob
NRA Firearms Fact Book, 2nd Edition, Revised
NRA Personal Protection Class text book
NRA Basic Pistol Class text book
1989 & 1990 NRA Natl Pistol Champ, 1991 Masters
A Woman's Guide To Firearms, 60 Mins
Deadly Force, Firearms,Self Defense, The Law, 100 Mins
How To Use A Semi-Automatic Handgun, 45 Mins
JRPC Big Brothers/Big Sisters Shoot Home Video From 1987
NRA "The Kid Who Can't Miss", 24 Mins
NRA "The Truth About Semi-Autos", 13 Mins
NRA Action Shooting Program, General Info And 12 Courses Of Fire
NRA Bullseye Competition Basics, Allen Fulford, 60 Mins
NRA Highpower Rifle, "Day With A Champion", G. David Tubb, Vol 1, Equipment & 200 Yd Standing, 60 Mins
NRA Highpower Rifle, "Day With A Champion", G. David Tubb, Vol 2, 200 & 300 Yd Sitting, 300 & 600 Yd Prone, 60 Mins
NRA Highpower Rifle, "Day With A Champion", G. David Tubb, Vol 3, Tips, Techniques & Mental, Shooting A 80 Rd Competition, 60 Mins
Pistol Shooting Fundamentals, 15 Mins
Principles Of Home Defense, 50 Mins
Rifle Shooting Fundamentals, 39 Mins
SAF, "The Second Amendment The Ultimate Safeguard"
Service Rifle Competition Basics, Jim Hill, 200, 300, 600 Yd Standing, Sitting, Prone, 80 Mins
Shooter Ready? Brief intro to IPSC handgun shooting.
Shotgun Shooting Fundamentals, 16 Mins
Story of the GUN from the History Channel, VHS, four volumes
USPSA 1993 Open Nationals. This is a home video of this match.